i had one today, coming up bedford ave towards McCarren park (where Williamsburg meets Greenpoint) it was the first nice day here in NYC in a while, place is packed. (imiagine an america sized birck lane) some really cute girl is taking my picture with her DSLR, i was looking over my shoulder at her and smiling, considering stopping to say hi, look up, see a taxi, see the light come on, see the one (that's right ONE) passenger exit street side, nose fills with the scent of blod, I pull into a skid, and some how avod the door and the yuppie by inches, i also managed not to fall on a bag full of gear as i was leaving a shoot. I yell "curbside, Cunt" at the yuppie, and ride off.
three "oh shits" fist "oh shit door, there goes my face" 2nd, "oh shit, i surrived that" 3rd "oh shit i just called that cunt a cunt infront of those girls, well i hope i make it on their blog any way".
Calling Americans "Cunts" is always a good moment. You actually brought something back from England that can actually shock a New Yorker. Are you in NYC indefinitely or are you going to grace our presence in London again? Is the hipster taco truck still parking on Bedford Ave? Please enjoy a hipster taco for me!
Calling Americans "Cunts" is always a good moment. You actually brought something back from England that can actually shock a New Yorker. Are you in NYC indefinitely or are you going to grace our presence in London again? Is the hipster taco truck still parking on Bedford Ave? Please enjoy a hipster taco for me!