The final event will be held at Reliance Square studios in London's trendy Shoreditch....
There will be secure bike parking and showers!!!!
You do not have to be a member of the league to race and it's an ideal opportunity for first-timers to race with no pressure, we kick off from 6 (ish) with knockouts from 9pm.
We hope to be announcing a prize sponsor for the overall placings in the next couple of days and I believe our DJs will be the forum's very own Pajamas and Snowy.
The final event will be held at Reliance Square studios in London's trendy Shoreditch....
There will be secure bike parking and showers!!!!
You do not have to be a member of the league to race and it's an ideal opportunity for first-timers to race with no pressure, we kick off from 6 (ish) with knockouts from 9pm.
We hope to be announcing a prize sponsor for the overall placings in the next couple of days and I believe our DJs will be the forum's very own Pajamas and Snowy.
further info: