Afternoon all, after bazzing about town on an off the shelf s/s and doing little bits and pieces to it along the way I thought I would do my own first build conversion.
I picked this Raleigh Sprint bike with a 501 frame off fleabay and so I was going to stick pictures/updates/ask for suggestions and help here.
Unless there are any objections and that won't be a suitable use for the forum?
So far the things I would like to do to it (in an ideal world where I have money) in no particular order:
New aero wheel set with Flip Flop wheel and hub with 15t fixed/16t free
42t Chain ring (black body and silver teeth)
New cranks
Powder coating - some sort of shiny/sparkly black
Soooo..... any thoughts, comments or ideas all welcome
Afternoon all, after bazzing about town on an off the shelf s/s and doing little bits and pieces to it along the way I thought I would do my own first build conversion.
I picked this Raleigh Sprint bike with a 501 frame off fleabay and so I was going to stick pictures/updates/ask for suggestions and help here.
Unless there are any objections and that won't be a suitable use for the forum?
So far the things I would like to do to it (in an ideal world where I have money) in no particular order:
New aero wheel set with Flip Flop wheel and hub with 15t fixed/16t free
42t Chain ring (black body and silver teeth)
New cranks
Powder coating - some sort of shiny/sparkly black
Soooo..... any thoughts, comments or ideas all welcome