Actually now that you mentioned it, the whole 'hipster' scene is simply, from what I think, is about trying to be fashionable without spending money or nothing at all, a simple "fuck you" to the big brand (Nike, Levi's, etc.) by getting cheap shit from 2nd hand shop and still end up looking fashionable without needing to resort to getting them from 'The Man".
The fixed wheel bicycles (especially conversion) is a perfect example of that, building up a simple straightforward bike that should be reliable and durable without spending a penny, hence why it have a spot in the whole 'hipster' shit, so a brand new expensive 'fixie' is the complete opposite of what the 'scene' is suppose to be in the first place, but it's just marketing really.
Actually now that you mentioned it, the whole 'hipster' scene is simply, from what I think, is about trying to be fashionable without spending money or nothing at all, a simple "fuck you" to the big brand (Nike, Levi's, etc.) by getting cheap shit from 2nd hand shop and still end up looking fashionable without needing to resort to getting them from 'The Man".
The fixed wheel bicycles (especially conversion) is a perfect example of that, building up a simple straightforward bike that should be reliable and durable without spending a penny, hence why it have a spot in the whole 'hipster' shit, so a brand new expensive 'fixie' is the complete opposite of what the 'scene' is suppose to be in the first place, but it's just marketing really.
a little off topic but sod it.