Given the cost of manufacturing in this country you can't blame them. I read with some depression the efforts Howies go to to produce their merino base layers, sending them from NZ to China to be spun, then back to NZ and to Fuji then all round the houses till eventually it gets back to h'inglan for us to fork over our folding for it. Amazing it's so much cheaper for companies to buy their stuff abroad, manufacture it abroad (somewhere else) and then ship back here then actually make it here.
They mentioned that in the new Howies catalogue, they talk about this problem, and they realise how much carbon footprints has been wasted despite saving a few pennies, so they're right now trying to get the merino to be spun in NZ instead, or if that fail, China make more sense (according to them).
They mentioned that in the new Howies catalogue, they talk about this problem, and they realise how much carbon footprints has been wasted despite saving a few pennies, so they're right now trying to get the merino to be spun in NZ instead, or if that fail, China make more sense (according to them).