• I've created an announcements forum, and I've posted up a Rules thread:

    And that's supposed to be the word of God or whatever... just the facts ma'am, etc.

    But I may well have got something way wrong or perhaps you disagree with part of it, or perhaps you think I'm missing something?

    Well, that's what this thread is for... the Rules are the Rules, but you can tell me I'm wrong here and we can try and strike a balance in what the rules say.

    The gist of the rules is:
    1) Define what goes and doesn't go on the site (i.e. spam, trolls, idiots, etc)
    2) Define who is liable for what, and underline that if you're a twat then I accept no responsibility for that
    3) Define how the finances and ownership works (I own it all, but do need revenue to cover costs or else the place can't survive, and if it ever makes any money then I hope to actually buy myself something nice as a reward)
    4) I dunno... did I say anything else?

    The rules thread will be closed, and I'll edit and no comments go in there.

    The other threads that get shoved into announcements are open to replies, go for it.

    However... the announcement threads can only be made by me or with prior agreement. This is less a chat area than a place for long-term notices.

    The announcements forum will contain:

    • Rules
    • Guidance
    • HowTo's

    Stuff that are notices for all. Stuff to help clarify things and to help the place run smoother.

    I'd love to imagine that we didn't need some consensus of rules and behaviour and how to educate others as to how the forum functions, but realistically the unspoken thing we've had to date doesn't work so well now that we're a really large site. So this is all about trying to solve that by making it more written.

    Overall though...

    • Break a rule rather than do something absolutely stupid.
    • HowTo's are guidance only, there may be many ways to do something.
    • Take it all with a pinch of salt... it's about making the forum easier and more transparent, not about being a dictator (though obviously as the sole owner I am one).

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