The one time that a rider is likely to discover a fault in the braking system (frayed cable, etc.) is when the brake(s) is / are needed most.
I had some twat turn right straight in front of me recently whilst on my geared bike at 20+. Braking was pure survival at that time and attempts were made to get both levers in firm contact with the bars (was on geared bike at time). That would have deffo revealed any faults in the cables. In the event of a failure there was no time for alternatives so forget about feet on wheels, etc. and think of head on steel / tarmac.
How I stayed on and upright I still don't know and the look on the driver's gf's face in the passenger seat was priceless :-)
The one time that a rider is likely to discover a fault in the braking system (frayed cable, etc.) is when the brake(s) is / are needed most.
I had some twat turn right straight in front of me recently whilst on my geared bike at 20+. Braking was pure survival at that time and attempts were made to get both levers in firm contact with the bars (was on geared bike at time). That would have deffo revealed any faults in the cables. In the event of a failure there was no time for alternatives so forget about feet on wheels, etc. and think of head on steel / tarmac.
How I stayed on and upright I still don't know and the look on the driver's gf's face in the passenger seat was priceless :-)