I wonder if you cycle past speed camera at speed above 30mph - will it flash?
You need to present a high enough Radar Cross Section. I mentioned it a few pages back. There's a speed camera on a hill on my way back from uni and when traffic slows to 30, I can easily get past them at a high enough speed to set it off, but I can't actually set it off. I've often thought of carrying a big board on my back but then I've thought the drag would either stop me going fast enough, or stop me fitting in between the cars, thus defeating the point of it.
You need to present a high enough Radar Cross Section. I mentioned it a few pages back. There's a speed camera on a hill on my way back from uni and when traffic slows to 30, I can easily get past them at a high enough speed to set it off, but I can't actually set it off. I've often thought of carrying a big board on my back but then I've thought the drag would either stop me going fast enough, or stop me fitting in between the cars, thus defeating the point of it.