I've thought long and hard about this, and vary between a cheery "careful!" for people who might or might not be about to cross, or just haven't seen me; a rather more irate "watch it!" for people who have seen me, and decided to cross within an inch of me anyway; a panicked "hey!...HEY!" for people I genuinely think I'm going to collide with - and the classic "OH FOR FUCK SAKE" for the truly idiotic/suicidal/pedicidal.
I don't like the idea of bells. It seems a bit rude just to ring at someone, and a bell doesn't capture the above nuances - or even the super-polite "excuse me" I sometimes employ on shared-use paths.
I've thought long and hard about this, and vary between a cheery "careful!" for people who might or might not be about to cross, or just haven't seen me; a rather more irate "watch it!" for people who have seen me, and decided to cross within an inch of me anyway; a panicked "hey!...HEY!" for people I genuinely think I'm going to collide with - and the classic "OH FOR FUCK SAKE" for the truly idiotic/suicidal/pedicidal.
I don't like the idea of bells. It seems a bit rude just to ring at someone, and a bell doesn't capture the above nuances - or even the super-polite "excuse me" I sometimes employ on shared-use paths.