• #2
Woopwoop! Whats the date for this year? Still at Barbican?
• #3
sept 24th-27th (provisional dates)
more info up on the website soon:
http://bicyclefilmfestival.com -
• #5
Great trailer
• #6
Anyone on here submitting anything?
• #7
I'd love to help make something. I've got a camera, access to more, I'm happy to film and ride/skate and I'm an editor and colour grader for a living. Let's do something.
• #8
wicked! we definately need to see more UK film submissions! anyone that has last minute ideas, let me know. we can work together to get it in on time.
Yes, Barbican Centre is the cinema again, Sept 24-27! lots of rides, BMX street jam, some more wicked parties and polo again this year! The alleycat team has promised to out-do last years photo-cat as well.... shit I cant wait!
anyone who wants to volunteer, get involved, also let me know!
• #9
Great trailer
Can't say it did it for me.
• #10
Shit song.
• #11
Should make a film called SMASH. The poor man's MASH.
Deadline: March 7
Enter the Ninth Annual Bicycle Film Festival! This annual event's looking for films with a bike-related theme. Any style's acceptable: animation, experimental,narrative, documentary and music videos are all a go.
The Bicycle Film Festival travels to over 20 cities around the world, including Paris, London, Tokyo, New York -- and Sydney.
Last year, more than 100,000 people attended the festival. The BFF is a lot of fun and includes rock shows, block parties, film screenings, and art shows.
The Bike Film Fest is expected to be a huge success in 2009. All cities have been selected and dates for NEW YORK are June 17-21. All other dates will be set within the month.
Get your entry in by the deadline!