• #102
Freaking typical.
What's happening on the 21st? Truly not a date you can clear?
• #103
Freaking typical.
What's happening on the 21st? Truly not a date you can clear?
See my previous comment:
Well nice one guys - you've made it look like I've organised a really good ride that has thus far been very popular and I CAN'T MAKE THE FUCKING DATE!
I have a really important exhibition that weekend including a 'shindiggy-do' on the Saturday night, followed by a 12pm start on Sunday. If I can get out of the party early enough then I may have to join you part way along. I really wanted to be able to do this!
How about I decide that I want to change the date? Seeing as it's my ride an all! That would probably go down about as well as an egg mayo fart in a very crowded and small lift going all the way to the top.
[report](https://www.londonfgss.com/report.php?p=538560) [comment](https://www.londonfgss.com/reputation.php?p=538560) ![](https://www.londonfgss.com/images/londonfgss/misc/progress.gif) [edit](https://www.londonfgss.com/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=538560) [quick reply](https://www.londonfgss.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=538560) [multi-quote](https://www.londonfgss.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=538560) [quote](https://www.londonfgss.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=538560&stripquote=1) [reply](https://www.londonfgss.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=538560&noquote=1)
• #104
Well the only time I would really be free would be 7th March or 4th April, so I say we stick with the 21st and I'll just have to try and tag along at some point.
Well the other post was whingey, I'll go with what you've said in this post instead, it's got balls.
• #105
If its your ride then change the date, riders will still come.
• #106
Well the other post was whingey, I'll go with what you've said in this post instead, it's got balls.
It wasn't 'whingey' it was 'commenty'.
• #107
I'm personally looking forward to the overnight drag race to Brighton via bridges, in tweed and vintage cycling jerseys GSIAD.
• #108
- lurker103
- nosferatu
- dicki
- Velocio
- towtow
- thecrane
- Khornight
- alockett
- wibble
- mmc"no jacket required"carthy
- sorethroat
- Harry
- fresh (if I'm free)
- villa-ru
- yeh731
- miss_socks
- hoops
- jaygee & VeeVee (together as one)
- Spins
- BlueQuinn
21.tika - kx.001
- Ombre
- veLLo
25.moog - Jung (provided new wheels are go)
- philjay
- CrazyJames
30.owenreed - STE5
- Nick-Nack (aka Mrs Khornight)
- P!mp
- MattS
- twelve
- marcoisapolo
- Rosmal
- Charco
- Rik
- George Sportiffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- wools ^sticky keyboard eh?^
- lurker103
• #109
Fuck, why am i always out of town when there's a bridges ride on? It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
Ok boys... you can pull surveillance off Otters now... Good work.
Kkkkkkrzzzz -
• #110
@ lurker103
get dave to change the date in the thread title and go for it
it's your ride !! -
• #111
Hold tight lads.... we may have hit a snag.
Give me a position on Lurker103... Prepare the snipers.
Can't have Otters on that proposed date change... AT ANY COST.
Kkkkkrzzzz -
• #112
STB, are you over? are you over? Over and out.
• #113
10-4 Schick
Thought u were out the game
Could always use a good man like yourself
(sighs) R well
(closes down laptop... extracts CD...douses in petrol...tosses match...Pffffft - disappears with chair left spinning) -
• #114
• #115
@ lurker103
get dave to change the date in the thread title and go for it
it's your ride !!I would usually... but the 7th is the memorial ride and post that people will hit the pub... a bridges ride where the majority of people have been drinking for almost 12 hours?
And pushing it later it butts up to the vintage jersey ride... not a problem really but there's always been a consensus to try and not plan things at the same time where possible so that there's always a nice steady stream of things to do.
What sucks is that I forced the decision to prevent the numbers being too large (which will happen if it's further into the future), and lurker desperately wants to do the ride but is heavily time-constrained and only able to do 2 dates in the next 6 weeks (if you want a ride, state the date up front or be flexible about it).
We could change it... but the 7th March (the memorial ride date) is probably a bad idea... a bit later is better, but the numbers are likely to be 150+ again, probably closer to 200 if there's too much time for people to get on board.
And as lurker said that he'd rather have the date stick and try and join us partway... well for someone time constrained that works pretty well. We've all missed stuff we've wanted to do... the saving grace is that rides and events are pretty frequent, another will be along within a few months.
• #116
Mmmm James, I'm on top of you....
You do worry me sometimes Phil......
• #117
How long does the ride take roughly and are there are pit stops atall, or is it a non-stopper ?Or if we stop, do we just catch up..... ?
• #118
The last one took about 4 hours to complete, plenty of piss stops and puncture fixing stops too. Its a gentle pace don't worry.
• #119
Four hours !??
Cool, I was worried about wee wee stops.
• #120
Much beer was pissed that night, and 150 riders move pretty slow too.
• #121
You dont have to do the whole thing, im pretty sure you can leave at any time.
• #122
You dont have to do the whole thing, im pretty sure you can leave at any time.
Quite a few dropped out along the way, but its a nice ride and fun to complete it.
• #123
What no chaining to each other ?
cool, hope the weather is good.... dry at least.... be fun.
• #124
Sarcasm, hurts.
But yeah, i heard a few just went so they could say they went, so they showed up at Traf Sq and did one bridge then left.
Buuut, if i were by myself and didnt know anyone, i would have just left at some point aswell. -
• #125
Last Novembers ride was superb, cool dry evening with no rain. Check out the vids of it in the Bridges Ride V.
Well the only time I would really be free would be 7th March or 4th April, so I say we stick with the 21st and I'll just have to try and tag along at some point.