I do not recommend solder - that was an experiment that I wish I never tried.
Why, what happened?
yeah acetone works very gradually.
expect to spend about 20 minutes dissolving and picking per bolt.
Yeah that's why I thought solder sounded easier... though 20 minutes isn't so bad, I had visions of spending hours trying to dissolve glue hidden round the back of a ball bearing
Thieves of seat posts from aluminium frames simply whack the separate collar from underneath. It's very quick.
A bearing in the allen bolt is no defence against this sadly.
steel frame ftw
chain looped saddle and frame sort that out, better a stolen seatpost than a saddle.
But so ugly!
solder is soft & glue only needs solvents to dissolve it. tricity if your absolutely certain you've stopped growing i can silver solder your components on, at the cost of a beer.
Silver solder FTW. (or poo if you subscribe to tynans theory)
Now this I am tempted by. But won't I need to melt my bike or something to remove it?
what if she starts shrinking?
generally speaking only menopausal women shrink :O
Is that true? I don't think I knew that. Wow, being female is exciting. I will try not to become menopausal anytime soon.
Why, what happened?
Yeah that's why I thought solder sounded easier... though 20 minutes isn't so bad, I had visions of spending hours trying to dissolve glue hidden round the back of a ball bearing
steel frame ftw
But so ugly!
Now this I am tempted by. But won't I need to melt my bike or something to remove it?
Is that true? I don't think I knew that. Wow, being female is exciting. I will try not to become menopausal anytime soon.