You basically have no record of the name or registration of the driver and left the scene of an accident before a medical assessment. Prior to that you refused the assistance of passers by and the driver himself. On top of that they material claim would be for something that you may not be able to prove as the fault of the motorist and some soft tissue damage (this being the most likely thing that you can definitely attribute to a road traffic accident.
Without a clear at the time record of the other party, the police are unlikely to get involved as the connection to the driver could be described as tenuous at best from a legal standpoint. Furthermore, an insurance company is very likely to refuse involvement unless the driver admits involvement and liability, which there will be very little motive for him to do.
This may not turn out well for you.
You basically have no record of the name or registration of the driver and left the scene of an accident before a medical assessment. Prior to that you refused the assistance of passers by and the driver himself. On top of that they material claim would be for something that you may not be able to prove as the fault of the motorist and some soft tissue damage (this being the most likely thing that you can definitely attribute to a road traffic accident.
Without a clear at the time record of the other party, the police are unlikely to get involved as the connection to the driver could be described as tenuous at best from a legal standpoint. Furthermore, an insurance company is very likely to refuse involvement unless the driver admits involvement and liability, which there will be very little motive for him to do.