If like me, all you're fussed about is getting some bike time in when it's sheet ice out or pissing down with rain (basically when you feel like a pussy) then the Tacx Ecotrack rollers are perfectly good. I find them a bit better with a geared bike mind so you can whack it in a nice high gear for a better workout. http://www.leisurewheels.co.uk/products.php?plid=m2b48s36p2692&rs=gb
I just got them for £60 from Surosa but it looks like they're sold out now (2007 product).
If like me, all you're fussed about is getting some bike time in when it's sheet ice out or pissing down with rain (basically when you feel like a pussy) then the Tacx Ecotrack rollers are perfectly good. I find them a bit better with a geared bike mind so you can whack it in a nice high gear for a better workout.
I just got them for £60 from Surosa but it looks like they're sold out now (2007 product).