Something similar happened to me about 6 months ago - got hit by a car pulling out from a junction, knocked me acrosss the road. Luckily cyclist behind immediately called police and ambulance while the driver was was saying "let me help you up, you'r OK aren't you." He just wanted to get away asap so I refused to get up until the ambulance arrived in case anything was broken (to hell with the traffic held up). Ambulance and police all turned up v. quickly, I was checked over in the ambulance complete with bike which I refused to leave in the road (this is off Holloway Road after all!) and was qiven a lift home by those kind policemen.
I was bruised and stiff the next day and confidence shaken.
As a victim of careless driving and driver w/o insurance (!), and this will probably happen to you, I was asked later how I would like this to proceed - eg 're-education' for the driver, caution or court summons. I am going for the court summons - no matter how 'nice' drivers appear I would always go for the strongest punishment. I was told that I may have to appear as a witness but this is unlikely.
Something similar happened to me about 6 months ago - got hit by a car pulling out from a junction, knocked me acrosss the road. Luckily cyclist behind immediately called police and ambulance while the driver was was saying "let me help you up, you'r OK aren't you." He just wanted to get away asap so I refused to get up until the ambulance arrived in case anything was broken (to hell with the traffic held up). Ambulance and police all turned up v. quickly, I was checked over in the ambulance complete with bike which I refused to leave in the road (this is off Holloway Road after all!) and was qiven a lift home by those kind policemen.
I was bruised and stiff the next day and confidence shaken.
As a victim of careless driving and driver w/o insurance (!), and this will probably happen to you, I was asked later how I would like this to proceed - eg 're-education' for the driver, caution or court summons. I am going for the court summons - no matter how 'nice' drivers appear I would always go for the strongest punishment. I was told that I may have to appear as a witness but this is unlikely.
Currently awaiting the outcome!