Coming from a BMX background I hear a lot of shit talking on fixed gear freestyle and must admit I first thought it looked quite retarded. I still think it looks pretty stupid but here I am a month in to building up my first fixed gear and I can honestly say that on it's maiden voyage I'm sure I will feel the urge to attempt some tricks. At the end of the day, if your one of those people like me that still gets that buzz like the first time you jumped off a plank of wood on a brick or had a longest skid comp with your mates, you will always enjoy riding for the fun regardless of the bike you are on or what people might think of you.
Coming from a BMX background I hear a lot of shit talking on fixed gear freestyle and must admit I first thought it looked quite retarded. I still think it looks pretty stupid but here I am a month in to building up my first fixed gear and I can honestly say that on it's maiden voyage I'm sure I will feel the urge to attempt some tricks. At the end of the day, if your one of those people like me that still gets that buzz like the first time you jumped off a plank of wood on a brick or had a longest skid comp with your mates, you will always enjoy riding for the fun regardless of the bike you are on or what people might think of you.