Last night as I was speeding down west on Millbank I see a bus awkwardly try and pick up passengers essentially blocking both lanes of traffic on, naturally I pull out and overtake on the right, when this f*ck overtakes me and sideswipes me with with the passenger side of his car. I fall off my bike and as I'm on all fours in the middle of the street, I just know some other f*ck behind me is about to squash me. That didnt happen.
Guy that hit me stops and pulls over, my right knee is tender, but not as bad as my left ankle, which is in a bit of pain even as I write. Nothing too serious I dont think and I let the guy who hit me just go after screaming a bit of profanity, but in the end shake his hand and send him on his way.
Right at that instant the old bill pull up and ask him why he's pulled over where he isnt, and the guy lies and says he just pulled over to check his tires. Now I overheard this, and just didnt think it was right that he had to lie about anything, I explain that that's not the reason he's pulled over and explained to the cop what happened. Details are taken and that's pretty much it. Turns out the fucker didnt have insurance so thank f*ck me or my bike wasnt injured and he gets his car taken off him.
Funny thing was the 5-0 was gonna let him go if I hadnt overheard him lie.
So that's my first and only biking accident in london in over a year of cycling. Oh aside from the fact I endo'd on the way to south drinks once. But that was my fault.
Last night as I was speeding down west on Millbank I see a bus awkwardly try and pick up passengers essentially blocking both lanes of traffic on, naturally I pull out and overtake on the right, when this f*ck overtakes me and sideswipes me with with the passenger side of his car. I fall off my bike and as I'm on all fours in the middle of the street, I just know some other f*ck behind me is about to squash me. That didnt happen.
Guy that hit me stops and pulls over, my right knee is tender, but not as bad as my left ankle, which is in a bit of pain even as I write. Nothing too serious I dont think and I let the guy who hit me just go after screaming a bit of profanity, but in the end shake his hand and send him on his way.
Right at that instant the old bill pull up and ask him why he's pulled over where he isnt, and the guy lies and says he just pulled over to check his tires. Now I overheard this, and just didnt think it was right that he had to lie about anything, I explain that that's not the reason he's pulled over and explained to the cop what happened. Details are taken and that's pretty much it. Turns out the fucker didnt have insurance so thank f*ck me or my bike wasnt injured and he gets his car taken off him.
Funny thing was the 5-0 was gonna let him go if I hadnt overheard him lie.
So that's my first and only biking accident in london in over a year of cycling. Oh aside from the fact I endo'd on the way to south drinks once. But that was my fault.