I have hit a few wing mirrors out but always waiting till i am alongside again to put them straight and blow a kiss.
Unless... and big UNLESS - their road positioning is shit, they are on the mobile or they have just cut me up. Then i make a point of getting stuck into them
I hit a car at some speed when drunk - full speed into the side, smacked wing mirror back, hit door and wing and finished with a 6.0 | 5.9 | 5.9 | 6.0 army roll over the bonnet.
I didn't stop to see the damage, as i wanted to get back on the bike to make sure my legs were still working.
I did feel pretty bad about that.... if anyone here lives in shep bush and owns a car with man shape dent in the door that appeared like stigmata mysteriously over night... i am sorry.
I have hit a few wing mirrors out but always waiting till i am alongside again to put them straight and blow a kiss.
Unless... and big UNLESS - their road positioning is shit, they are on the mobile or they have just cut me up. Then i make a point of getting stuck into them
I hit a car at some speed when drunk - full speed into the side, smacked wing mirror back, hit door and wing and finished with a 6.0 | 5.9 | 5.9 | 6.0 army roll over the bonnet.
I didn't stop to see the damage, as i wanted to get back on the bike to make sure my legs were still working.
I did feel pretty bad about that.... if anyone here lives in shep bush and owns a car with man shape dent in the door that appeared like stigmata mysteriously over night... i am sorry.