• #2
...here's the flyer....
1 Attachment
• #3
Really no need to start a new thread--just bump the other one.
I've just bumped both, anyway.
• #4
Shouldn't you have a linky where peeps can donate any way without you scrubbing their bike? Just a thought.
• #5
Thanks both, as you can realise forum world is a new world!
Hope to see you both down there.
here's a link the link if interested...http://www.justgiving.com/jamesanderson01
• #6
I would of loved to, my bikes are covered in road muck but I'm living in Edinburgh so no joy, hope you had good weather for it.
• #7
Thanks to James for washing my filthiest bike. ;)
Forum members,
blatant repost in the name of publicity.....
I am doing a charity ride from London to Cannes in March to raise money for one of London's homeless charities (www.landaid.org). The ride is actually pretty brutal covering 1500km in 6 days so fingers crossed for no rain!
As a means of generating some $ for my sponsorship total, i am putting on a pretty corny sounding bike wash in the Tour De Ville yard on Saturday afternoon. It will be a donations only affair, so if you have a permantently filthy steed, come down to get it cleaned off...Being an anal bastard, i am sure to be able to get even the most mucky machines cleaned up!
It is actually going to be sunny tomorrow (wooohoo!), so if nothing else it gives you the excuse for a bit of a ride down to London Fields and (further) perve in the T de V. Got to be good times.
Hopefully a flyer for the wash will appear below (total forum posting novice!).