theres a cheap koga on sale at a shop just along from aldgate tube
bike magic ? not sure what frame but they've had it in there a while and is discounted
however i do remember groping someones ( wes ? )'s koga at the snow once and i'm sure i could dent the tubing with my fingers seemed very skinny aluminium not the type of frame you would want to put in a bike pile.
cinelli cinelli cinelli I heart cinelli's
theres a cheap koga on sale at a shop just along from aldgate tube
bike magic ? not sure what frame but they've had it in there a while and is discounted
however i do remember groping someones ( wes ? )'s koga at the snow once and i'm sure i could dent the tubing with my fingers seemed very skinny aluminium not the type of frame you would want to put in a bike pile.