getting lippy and running your mouth differ. getting lipy is usually talking back. like i say get me a hot pocket, you say get your own hot pocket you fat snuff watching douchebag. thast getting lippy.
getting lippy tend to LEAD to running your mouth."get me a hot pocket" "no" just do it" "don't tell me what to do fuckface""calm down i just wanted a hot pocket" "yeah you always do you fat fuck" "hey wait a minute" "oh does the fatty want more food"
thats running your mouth. when your bullshit keeps going on and on.
I can only speak for what it means in northern England. After all, you people don't know your fannies from your arses...
And that explains a lot.
I can only speak for what it means in northern England. After all, you people don't know your fannies from your arses...
And that explains a lot.