Last nigt about 30 seconds from work. This woman just stepped out about two meters in front of me. I showted and sweved and she ran into me. I then collided with a steel bollard on the pavement with my hand still on the bars and it broke my hand. She was all apologetic and there was a really nice lady who rang the ambulance. I hope the bike is ok. The bars had turned but I couldn't see any other damage. Stringer, you may may have to come over later and help me out with lunch. Haha. Doing everything one handed is a nightmare.
well i am only two blocks away lol, i need to fucking pick up my cash card down at the pub in southeast drinks, why dont you come around mine?, i have a few films to watch as well, emma stocked up on food so theres lots to eat, i'm sitting around doing fuck all today, got quite pissed last night, went into a track stand and fell off with noel in front of me, donty know what the driver thought......very amusing eh spins?
well i am only two blocks away lol, i need to fucking pick up my cash card down at the pub in southeast drinks, why dont you come around mine?, i have a few films to watch as well, emma stocked up on food so theres lots to eat, i'm sitting around doing fuck all today, got quite pissed last night, went into a track stand and fell off with noel in front of me, donty know what the driver thought......very amusing eh spins?