Do you work in Neal St?!? I woulda said 'hi', had I known... And then probably * headlocked you to the floor, and scrunched your hair in a playful, big bruv kinda way... We still haven't met y'know, 'Spoks at dawn soon?!?
** I'm drunk... These are the good times, kiddo... Lap 'em up, while ye still can...*
Do you work in Neal St?!? I woulda said 'hi', had I known... And then probably * headlocked you to the floor, and scrunched your hair in a playful, big bruv kinda way... We still haven't met y'know, 'Spoks at dawn soon?!?
** I'm drunk... These are the good times, kiddo... Lap 'em up, while ye still can...*