• I guess what I'm trying to say is that instead of rushing in and making a decision, it might be better to give it some time, and allow the family to sort something out. They might at the end of the day wish for nothing to happen and just to move along. Give the guy and the girls family a chance to breathe initially, don't immediately remind them of what has just happened.


    This really shouldn't be about what we would like to do. It's fine to make suggestions and so on but the most important thing is what the family and friends want.

    It would also be nice to hear from Velcro, to tell us more about Eilidh. Ghost bikes, slow rides and so on all seem a little formulaic. It would be better to do something that comemmorates the person, not just the rider.

    That said, I think it would be a really nice gesture to offer a tweed cortege.
