I also remember when I was 17 and living with the parents having to skin up a joint in my room, go round the corner to the park to smoke it picking up 2 cans of K cider en route. By the time I'd finished the spliff I'd aim to have the 2 cans finished so as not to arouse suspicions as to why I had been out so long. Man I managed to go from sober to wasted in about 8 minutes flat, aaah the boredom of living at home...
I also remember when I was 17 and living with the parents having to skin up a joint in my room, go round the corner to the park to smoke it picking up 2 cans of K cider en route. By the time I'd finished the spliff I'd aim to have the 2 cans finished so as not to arouse suspicions as to why I had been out so long. Man I managed to go from sober to wasted in about 8 minutes flat, aaah the boredom of living at home...