• #2
im down, funds allowing
• #3
yep. i'll be interested.
• #4
i like to..we'll have to see though.
• #5
shit flaps. that sounds awesome. not that i intend to even consider playing.
• #6
i'd be up for going
• #7
Awesome. Reckon we could get a few people together.
• #8
[looks in wallet]
• #9
[looks in rays ear]
• #10
That poster makes me sad.
• #11
That poser makes me sad.
who? ray?
• #12
Any interest in going to Philly in September to play? BAD? Malice? I'm up for creating a team. Yorgo?I thought the EHBPC was the qualifying for this, or is the WHBPC an invitational?
• #13
Yea, not 100% on that. Then the worlds would have like less than 10 teams competing. Not that big of an event...
I'm thinking it's an invitational based upon performance. Or an Invitational based on nomination. Something like that, it's still not very clear. -
• #14
In that case, I nominate myself to compete.
• #15
Last i heard a few weeks ago it's open to everyone, i.e. no qualification this year. Will be cool to see you a bunch of you there. There should be a prize for the best peanut gallery. RAYYYYYYYY
btw, played polo with Nasa the other day here in Toronto, he's alive and well.
• #16
Nasa the other day here in Toronto, he's alive and well.
fuck... gutted.
keeeeev! ;)
• #17
• #18
I'd like to go but we'll have to see how things shape up.
I think it'll probably be an invite, open to all, but capped (first come, first serve).
• #19
dates look bad to me... I'm usually in greece chilling out in early sept. But could be in NYC as well so maybe - won't know until august
• #20
I was coming here to post a notice about the Worlds, but I see Mike beat me to it. Thanks, good show. Yes, the Worlds will be open to everyone who wants to play, you'll be able to begin pre-registering in a week or two. I would love to see as many European teams as possible, so, as registration starts to shape up I might try to find more courts, but at present I feel like I can guarantee infrastructure for fifty teams. The Fed website won't be ready for traffic for another week or two, but, in the interim it would be really helpful if players who intend to come would post to the Worlds thread on bikepolo.ca so I can begin getting a sense of turnout. I will make an effort to monitor this forum, and post occasionally to answer your questions, but if there's anything you want to know right away, you can get me at montana.norvell@gmail.com. Thanks, I can't wait to see everybody in Philadelphia.
• #21
Registration for the Hardcourt Bicycle Polo World Championships is now officially open. Please go to hardcourtbicyclepolofederation.com to register. The Fed website is a joint effort of Chris Dilts and Ben Schultz (M.I.A.) in Chicago; I accept neither credit nor blame for the bulk of its content. Thanks, both of you.
I have competing nightmares, one where nobody shows up, one where 113 teams register - please put my mind at ease by registering as early as possible, so I have a reasonable headcount to make arrangements for. I have presently reserved/plan to build four hockey rinks which I think should accommodate sixty teams (Chicago had two courts for 35 teams, and I only died of boredom/anticipation twice during the whole weekend). If my numbers exceed 60 I may choose to cap the event, rather than allow it to collapse under its own weight.
The cost per team is $120 until July 1st (less than my initial estimate of sixty dollars per player), $200 thereafter. There should be a feature allowing you to register now, but pay at the tournament: $180. Don't think I don't know how expensive that is - I apologize. After almost three months of trying to squeeze money out of what I thought were likely sources, I have embarrassingly little to show for my efforts. If I hear somebody say "in this economy" one more time... Roxy (London) and I are presently in negotiations with a familiar bicycle industry company for a sponsorship which may bring an influx of cash to the Worlds, as well as the EHBPC and North Americans. If we secure significant cash support in the near future, lowering the cost of entry will be my first priority. Please don't take that as a reason to delay your registration, the Fed account will promptly refund all those already registered if the price is lowered.
There is also a forum at the the Fed website which your registration will grant you access to. Ben (Chicago), Mike (London), myself and a few others will, shortly, post conversations about/suggestions for a unifying rulebook for Hardcourt Polo. We would very much appreciate your input and opinions on the rules for tournament play. The ultimate goal will be a set of rules that everyone can agree to prior to the Worlds in September, hopefully with trial runs at EHBPC and NAs.
Thanks so much, everybody, I can't wait to play all of you in Philly. -
• #22
$120? Wow. Makes EHBPC look cheap.
• #23
what about 29 quid each bill...thats not too bad. (is that right?)
• #24
They're also wanting to build purpose-made hockey-style rinks. 4 of them! Makes the EHBPC look slack.
• #25
union st could have a few hockey style rinks in it. let's see...
Any interest in going to Philly in September to play? BAD? Malice? I'm up for creating a team. Yorgo?