• Totally the opposite to what you're after, but I just got a pair of these the sound quality is amazing for in-ear headphones. Plus they look great.


    I'm not a fan of in-ear headphones. You don't get anywhere near the quality of over-ear headphones and they never block background noise. Also, what's the point in the swirl? Is it just for show?

    @asm: It may seem suicidal, but that's only if you have the music up too loud. If my music is at the right volume then I can hear what's going on around me. Plus I look a lot around me. I would say I was pretty cautious when I ride. I also have brakes, so I've got a little more time to see what's going on.

    I think the most dangerous events on roads are the ones you can see but don't expect. It's nothing to do with being able to hear everything perfectly.

    But, it's completely up to each person riding as to how they want to ride and what they see/hear.
