I run P7 5 mode on my helmet, and at 40 quid parps on the lumicycle I was previously running on the lid and there are no cables. Run it a full blast and just shine it in drivers eyes at junctions, they hate it as it literally is brighter than the sun but no-one pulls out on you, probably as retinas are burnt. I ride a couple of heavy stationary traffic areas on the way home so when riding down the middle just switch it to flash and watch the parting of the waves as cars pull over. For the money I haven't seen a better light.
I run P7 5 mode on my helmet, and at 40 quid parps on the lumicycle I was previously running on the lid and there are no cables. Run it a full blast and just shine it in drivers eyes at junctions, they hate it as it literally is brighter than the sun but no-one pulls out on you, probably as retinas are burnt. I ride a couple of heavy stationary traffic areas on the way home so when riding down the middle just switch it to flash and watch the parting of the waves as cars pull over. For the money I haven't seen a better light.