Thanks again to everyone who posted in the previous *questionnaire *thread. Invaluable information gained.
Below is another questionnaire. For those of you who didn't read the previous thread, I'm a jammy final year product design student who is doing fixed-gear stuff for his major project.
Responses to questionnaire very VERY much appreciated, and wil help me with my project a great deal.
Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes?
No, I'm too old to be 'down with the kids'.
**Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):
Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'/long rides.
Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **
Yes, essential British accessory for about 50 weeks of the year.
Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
Disrupts/spoils/makes worse.
Regardless of the bike it looks worse, but unfortunately this isn't Spain so I find them
Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?
Ta da!