Ooooh. That pink grunge saddle looks sweeeeeet. I'm keeping an eye out for one...
magpie: Don't have any pictures atm. Maybe later tonight. No, wait. There is a picture of it on my bike in the current projects thread, and the anti-porn thread. Blue and pink bike. Its a very bright saddle. I would be thinking somwhere in the region of offers over 3x James' asking price. I don't REALY want to sell it you see...
Ooooh. That pink grunge saddle looks sweeeeeet. I'm keeping an eye out for one...
magpie: Don't have any pictures atm. Maybe later tonight. No, wait. There is a picture of it on my bike in the current projects thread, and the anti-porn thread. Blue and pink bike. Its a very bright saddle. I would be thinking somwhere in the region of offers over 3x James' asking price. I don't REALY want to sell it you see...