• #27
has anyone tried using an actual sail yet?
• #28
has anyone tried using an actual sail yet?
• #29
well having disc wheels is akin to riding on TOP of the sail... not much control
• #30
in high winds even a 28 hole spoked wheel will get you into trouble
• #31
Because I am one of Wilson's children
and now you mention it, we can see the resemblance..
• #32
Because I am one of Wilson's children
or Jocky
• #33
I assume not a hair was left out of place, moustache as always immaculate and cigar remained lit and nonchalantly clamped between one's teeth during said incident?
• #34
ask tynan, he knows all about this shit. something to do withthe freedom of information act i think..
It's not the freedom of information act, it's the Data Protection Act. You are entitled to any information held on you including cctv footage, maybe contact the local council, you have to do it soon as it takes a while to get and is whiped after 30 days I think.
• #35
I assume not a hair was left out of place, moustache as always immaculate and cigar remained lit and nonchalantly clamped between one's teeth during said incident?
funny enough I met up with my girlfriend 5 mins later at London Bridge and that's the first thing she said.. "not a hair has moved"
I checked and indeed my carefully parted hairdo looked as rigid as it did before the crash! -
• #36
Yesterday after a long day of polo I was riding along Southwark St, from Blackfriars Bridge towards London Bridge, and as usual when it's windy and I'm on the polo bike, was holding tight onto my handlebars, wobbling a bit at times but keeping a normal pace (on my road gear not my polo gear).
Then as I approached the crossing with Great Guilford St., a hurricane-like gust of wind caught my disc wheel, and litterally swept the bike away from under me. I unclipped and flew forward, doing a roll on the floor (unscathed thanks to the many crashes I've taken at polo + years of skateboarding I guess).
Two nice and very posh old women on the sidewalk screamed and came to help me, then couldn't beleive that I was back on my feet and laughing (couldn't stop laughing). As I was explaining them what happened, showing the disc, another gust of wind almost threw the bike in their face, then another gust made one of them loose balance and cling to the other. Insane. Katrina-style wind I'm talking about here.Anyway my question is: how do I get a hold of the CCTV footage? Really wanna see this!
Very windy days + Polo front wheels + Bridges = scabs.
• #37
It's not the freedom of information act, it's the Data Protection Act. You are entitled to any information held on you including cctv footage, maybe contact the local council, you have to do it soon as it takes a while to get and is whiped after 30 days I think.
Basically what Bernhard said.
Contact whoever controls the camera (it will have a label on the post supporting it) - it is almost always the local council.
First obvious point, you need to be in the footage (otherwise the Data Protection doesn't apply).
You will need the time you were recorded (you can't expect them to sift through hours of footage looking for you).
It will cost you a few quid (they are allowed to charge up to £10).
Once you have made your request, they have 40 days to hand over any images they have recorded of you otherwise they are in breach of the law.
• #38
So did you make it with the 2 posh birds then? ;-)
• #39
I can't wait til I'm older and can legitimately rant about the youth of today!
There's no joy in it, and after a while it just gets wierd. Someone at work got mugged recently, and this 25 year old was going about how the streets aren't safe anymore, not like they were in the 1980s. THE 1980's!!! WTF!!! I ended up having a rant about riots and the SPG. A bit inappropriate really. But then I am old....
• #40
So did you make it with the 2 posh birds then? ;-)
they were russian and not posh! Who's that by the way?? Which posh birds...?
• #41
bit more information on it here. i love the idea of your letter possibly containing the words 'i'm the one being blown off my bike' haha.
• #42
they were russian and not posh! Who's that by the way?? Which posh birds...?
5th line down of your original post! Doesnt that say two posh women?
haha fucking class... glad your ok le car