• #2
Granit 54 has been around for years, is a very good lock though.
I wouldn't trust the linked plate X plus Borado as the simple Borado is very heavy n not very secure. Could be wrong though.
Don't judge locks on the manufacturers own scale. Look for Sold Secure ratings as these are independant reatings for insurance.
• #3
this is a level 15 security, Abus Granite x Plus 54.
Regarded as very secure, infact top of the range bicycle D locks Abus offer before going into the ultra heavy motorcycle locks.
Abus want to release the all new "Bordo Granit X-Plus " in March 2009 which also has level 15 security, equivalent to a D lock !!!
I quite like it and if the security is the same as a D lock as they say it is, and is loads lighter, greater flexibility, it well worth buying.
Since it seems like a stellar product on first impressions i thought i'd share.
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