Q1: What do you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
Fun, easy to maintain, easy to build / work on, aesthetically pleasing.
Q2: Do you have brakes*?
Q3: What setup do you have on your rear hub? (mark all that apply)
Q4: What DON'T you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
People who build bikes to look good and not to ride well. Shit conversions. People with expensive track frames who use them purely for tricks.
Q5: If a baker's dozen is 13, can i call a 3-day weekend a baker's weekend?
Q1: What do you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
Fun, easy to maintain, easy to build / work on, aesthetically pleasing.
Q2: Do you have brakes*?
Q3: What setup do you have on your rear hub? (mark all that apply)
Q4: What DON'T you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
People who build bikes to look good and not to ride well. Shit conversions. People with expensive track frames who use them purely for tricks.
Q5: If a baker's dozen is 13, can i call a 3-day weekend a baker's weekend?