the idealist in me disagrees and thinks science can unify the species under common goal of advancing itself.
the realist in me agrees completely that science cannot achieve this. This revelation makes me want to switch field to neuroscience so that start butchering brains and retrofitting chromosomes to eradicate the less desirable elements of human nature and start developing the left wing totalitarian scientific utopia the idealist in me wants.
And to be fair my opening words following the cartoonish representation of christianity was a definition of atheism.
I can't even see how science could start to stem religion (or if it would even be desirable to do so).
Religion is unperturbed by reason, it is not just unreasonable but anti-reason, this is not my own claim but the proud claim of religion itself.
I can't even see how science could start to stem religion (or if it would even be desirable to do so).
Religion is unperturbed by reason, it is not just unreasonable but anti-reason, this is not my own claim but the proud claim of religion itself.
I think science is the wrong tool.