• You must be tall - 61 with the seat all the way up there.
    About 6'3" but with long arms and legs. But I think the pic angle makes it look longer than it is.

    that is the stupidist thing i've heard in months.

    you should get a teardrop helmet and disc wheels too.....they''d prob save you another 2 hours.

    I don't want to go too fast mate.

    you cannot be serious?

    what do you mean mate?

    He just wants an excuse to shave his legs.

    shaven legs aren't actually more aero ;)

    I like it. wouldn't the aero savings made by the water bottle be offset slightly by have your pump sticking out to the side of the downtube?

    Well they are both made by specialized so I presume they are designed to compliment each other and actually make the bike even more aero.
