I can't wait til I'm older and can legitimately rant about the youth of today!
There's no joy in it, and after a while it just gets wierd. Someone at work got mugged recently, and this 25 year old was going about how the streets aren't safe anymore, not like they were in the 1980s. THE 1980's!!! WTF!!! I ended up having a rant about riots and the SPG. A bit inappropriate really. But then I am old....
There's no joy in it, and after a while it just gets wierd. Someone at work got mugged recently, and this 25 year old was going about how the streets aren't safe anymore, not like they were in the 1980s. THE 1980's!!! WTF!!! I ended up having a rant about riots and the SPG. A bit inappropriate really. But then I am old....