That was meant to be my point when I posted that image - it isn't accurate, it's quite obviously exaggerated to the point of being very inaccurate.
But . . . . . the Christian graphic was accurate - that is it's humour.
Like I say the humour stems for removing Christianity's ornate/pious/poetic language and wording the Christian knowledge claims in common language while remaining accurate.
At no point did this description of Christianity insert *'they eat there babies' *or 'they are all illiterate' or any other nonsense claim, in that respect it is an accurate caricature of Christianity.
While the description of atheism was simply a misrepresentation of disparate scientific theories (that fall foul of Christian dogma) and have nothing to do with atheism.
But . . . . . the Christian graphic was accurate - that is it's humour.
Like I say the humour stems for removing Christianity's ornate/pious/poetic language and wording the Christian knowledge claims in common language while remaining accurate.
At no point did this description of Christianity insert *'they eat there babies' *or 'they are all illiterate' or any other nonsense claim, in that respect it is an accurate caricature of Christianity.
While the description of atheism was simply a misrepresentation of disparate scientific theories (that fall foul of Christian dogma) and have nothing to do with atheism.