Jickstumps, dude fixed is spin to win. Fairplay if you are spinning out all the time 42/16, but high cadence is the name of the game- with a 90 rpm= 19.something miles an hour which is fine for me. Also consider your pedal stroke: applying power in the downstroke, pulling back with the ankle(like scraping snable droppings off your shoe) then pulling up (best used with cleats) then relaxing the leg at the top of the stroke and repeat...
In the words of mad max " I'll see you on the road".
Jickstumps, dude fixed is spin to win. Fairplay if you are spinning out all the time 42/16, but high cadence is the name of the game- with a 90 rpm= 19.something miles an hour which is fine for me. Also consider your pedal stroke: applying power in the downstroke, pulling back with the ankle(like scraping snable droppings off your shoe) then pulling up (best used with cleats) then relaxing the leg at the top of the stroke and repeat...
In the words of mad max " I'll see you on the road".