• Paul-Michel, good work on pulling info on here together, and thanks for the plug for the LCC. A couple of constructive criticisms:

    (1) It is not true that you need a helmet to start riding. I suggest you indicate that this is optional and invite people to make up their own minds, with links to relevant information.

    (2) The list seems to omit other tools that really are essential, like a multitool or spanners in certain sizes.

    (3) Under 'bike' you only seem to mention conversions and OTPs but not ready-built or custom bikes offered by FGSS-oriented bike shops.

    (4) Finally, not everyone is necessarily keen to get everything right straightaway, but might rather want to live and learn. I'd suggest inserting a remark to the effect that if you want to gradually find out what you need through trial and error (e.g., getting caught in the rain without an adequate jacket can be fun), these are the things that are truly indispensable, and here's more stuff that's also very useful, etc. People need to prioritise and I don't think you should make them feel that unless they have a roomful of equipment they can't start--it might be counterproductive.

    Sorry if any of this repeats posts by others, as I haven't read the whole thread yet.
