Cracks me up the way OOL thinks he has this amazing brainwave setting up a customisation of bikes business. He takes the piss out of people(his potential customers) jumping on a 'scene' yet myself and many others on this board have been riding fixed for years. Do you think no-one else has had this revelation or something? Mate, you're 2 years too late, move on, do something else as you sure as hell have no clue how to build decent, marketable affordable bikes. Why are you building bikes ready to go when anyone with a bit of nouse can just do it themselves? It takes what, 2/3 hours max to build a bike from start to finish. People are not gonna pay for shite like you're building...
Cracks me up the way OOL thinks he has this amazing brainwave setting up a customisation of bikes business. He takes the piss out of people(his potential customers) jumping on a 'scene' yet myself and many others on this board have been riding fixed for years. Do you think no-one else has had this revelation or something? Mate, you're 2 years too late, move on, do something else as you sure as hell have no clue how to build decent, marketable affordable bikes. Why are you building bikes ready to go when anyone with a bit of nouse can just do it themselves? It takes what, 2/3 hours max to build a bike from start to finish. People are not gonna pay for shite like you're building...