Afternoon all - I've got a pair of brand new and unused mavic cxp33's in black, 28 hole. I was going to build them up for myself but if I'm honest, I feel like I really should use 36h rims 'cos I'm a fat bastard.
They've been sitting in a box for the last 6 months and if I remember right there's one thin scratch on the black anodised section but otherwise as you'd expect from a pair of unused rims.
Afternoon all - I've got a pair of brand new and unused mavic cxp33's in black, 28 hole. I was going to build them up for myself but if I'm honest, I feel like I really should use 36h rims 'cos I'm a fat bastard.
They've been sitting in a box for the last 6 months and if I remember right there's one thin scratch on the black anodised section but otherwise as you'd expect from a pair of unused rims.
SOLD pending euro postage shenanigans.