Answers to the following questions would help me with my project a great deal.
Q1: What do you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
**I like almost all bikes, and fixed bikes are just another way of enjoying bike riding. My other four bikes are all geared. It's a nicely different feeling when pedalling and owing to knee problems I also have my fixed ****geared ****low to prevent myself from shifting into gears that are too high. I'm also keen to learn a small number of tricks.
Q2: Do you have brakes*? front, rear, both or none?
Two rim brakes, front and rear. I often ride single speed, too.
Q3: What setup do you have on your rear hub? (mark all that apply)
- fixed/free flip-flop
Q4: What DON'T you like about fixed-gear/track bikes?
What's not to like? They're not suitable for everything but that's only to be expected. I don't go on long-distance rides with mine, for instance.
Q5: If a baker's dozen is 13, can i call a 3-day weekend a baker's weekend?
**Is this some cryptic question about the correct way of calculating gear inches? Answer at Along with answers to every other question ever asked. Why do we have this forum, anyway?
*I don't include riding fixed-gear in this questionnaire, even though this technically counts as a braking mechanism.