After much deliberation and fannying about with a tape measure, decided to switch to a 54cm. Pearsons were very helpful, much more so than any of the bike shops I use near me. Pity they're so far away!
Are you sure about the 54? I'm 5'11 and ride a 56 I know everyone's different physiologically but Is a 54 not going to be too short for you on do you have a short torso with long legs or vice versa.
Are you sure about the 54? I'm 5'11 and ride a 56 I know everyone's different physiologically but Is a 54 not going to be too short for you on do you have a short torso with long legs or vice versa.
Geometry here
wrench science said I need a 55.5 top tube which is about bang on for me.
I'm just curious as to why you went for the 54> Top tube length? Bike sizing perplexes me!