Q1. Speed, aesthetics, speed, mechanical simplicity, speed and masochism. Traffic jams.
Q2. Front.
Q3. Currently Fixed/Free, soon a Fixed/Fixed.
Q4. Some snobbery, price and bad drivers of any vehicle.
Q5. Only if you're factoring in the extra day because you know you'll miss one through a vicious hangover.
Edit: I didn't realise how much I love cars. Traffic jams are the most fun places to play. Got to be nasty, swift and attentive for them it's awesome fun. Bad drivers are what I originally meant by putting cars in the dislikes, I guess.
Q1. Speed, aesthetics, speed, mechanical simplicity, speed and masochism. Traffic jams.
Q2. Front.
Q3. Currently Fixed/Free, soon a Fixed/Fixed.
Q4. Some snobbery, price and bad drivers of any vehicle.
Q5. Only if you're factoring in the extra day because you know you'll miss one through a vicious hangover.
Edit: I didn't realise how much I love cars. Traffic jams are the most fun places to play. Got to be nasty, swift and attentive for them it's awesome fun. Bad drivers are what I originally meant by putting cars in the dislikes, I guess.