An eyeopener to some maybe but the 350 pound BJ frames come straight outta Tai fucking Wan. Do the maths, it can't be done for that price in this country....
if that is the case then the price should rise by 25% imminently as taiwan goods are priced in dollars and all cycling stuff has gone up by that amount in the past weeks due to the week pound.
if they are made over here then the reynolds tubes shouldn't go up in price as commodities prices haven't seen the same increases plus tubes are not shipped to taiwan then back again as bikes.
if that is the case then the price should rise by 25% imminently as taiwan goods are priced in dollars and all cycling stuff has gone up by that amount in the past weeks due to the week pound.
if they are made over here then the reynolds tubes shouldn't go up in price as commodities prices haven't seen the same increases plus tubes are not shipped to taiwan then back again as bikes.