Well. I am at home now recovering from a very hilly 50 mile ride, with Pink and another friend, in what can only be described as the coldest weather I have ever known in London! In some of the country roads in Hertfordshire, we were literally cycling on sheets of ice. There are people skating on the fozen ponds for fuck sake. 6 layers, 3 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gloves, woolly hat. My body was warm, and my hands were ok cos of all the effort going up hills. But my feet. I am wearing my wifes Ugg boots just to try and get them warm now.
Still, I feel great now. Got myself a heart rat montitor and never went above 154bpm, even on the steepest climbs. I figured tht if one can go out in this, then come Spring it will be a piece of piss.
Well. I am at home now recovering from a very hilly 50 mile ride, with Pink and another friend, in what can only be described as the coldest weather I have ever known in London! In some of the country roads in Hertfordshire, we were literally cycling on sheets of ice. There are people skating on the fozen ponds for fuck sake. 6 layers, 3 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gloves, woolly hat. My body was warm, and my hands were ok cos of all the effort going up hills. But my feet. I am wearing my wifes Ugg boots just to try and get them warm now.
Still, I feel great now. Got myself a heart rat montitor and never went above 154bpm, even on the steepest climbs. I figured tht if one can go out in this, then come Spring it will be a piece of piss.
How was RP this morning. I bet it was beautiful?