My cheap Zara jeans were getting a bit pale and threadbare from cycling. I stepped from one rock to another on the middle of Dartmoor over Christmas and they catastrophically failed. They kind of "exploded" and shredded themselves down to the knee. It was a chilly and embarrassing five miles home (with my parents). Should I complain to H+Son?
I had something similar happen to a pair of gap jeans while playing quazar on a stag night -thankfully the nice lady working there had some safety pins she could give me (after she stopped laughing), that patched things up somewhat for the nights drinking.
Downside was, it was over your side of the pond, and I had no other trews with me (apart from wedding ones!).... learned a valuable lesson that day!
I had something similar happen to a pair of gap jeans while playing quazar on a stag night -thankfully the nice lady working there had some safety pins she could give me (after she stopped laughing), that patched things up somewhat for the nights drinking.
Downside was, it was over your side of the pond, and I had no other trews with me (apart from wedding ones!).... learned a valuable lesson that day!