requires good technique, otherwise you'll hurt yourself. it's basically the first couple of movements in the clean and jerk from olympic weightlifting (without the 'over the head' jerk bit). this is a pretty advanced lift. if you haven't done much weight training previously maybe build up to it.
half squats are good, maybe throw in some single-leg squats as well. i tend to prefer free weights over machine weights, just make sure you have the core strength to support the weight (don't let your ego take over).
power cleans:
requires good technique, otherwise you'll hurt yourself. it's basically the first couple of movements in the clean and jerk from olympic weightlifting (without the 'over the head' jerk bit). this is a pretty advanced lift. if you haven't done much weight training previously maybe build up to it.
half squats are good, maybe throw in some single-leg squats as well. i tend to prefer free weights over machine weights, just make sure you have the core strength to support the weight (don't let your ego take over).
edit: found cleans technique video
YouTube - Clean Techniques