Sorry for high jacking this a little, I'm not allowed to start a new thread, I've just joined.
I've been thinking of getting a fixie for a few years now after riding one in Amsterdam, and now that i'm back from Uni I'm getting closer to actually buying one. I found a secondhand Steamroller which I haven't bought yet but will want to change the the gearing if I do. "dorr" above, say's 42 14 suits him what do other people suggest? I am a customed to riding up park street and st micheal's hill etc. on a BMX. And what are peoples opinions on getting a geared hub?
Also from reading the forum looks like people are noticing a sudden influx of ssfg in Bristol, I work in stokes croft and see loads of them now. I thought it was just because I've been thinking intensly about fg recently and it being subconscious.
Sorry for high jacking this a little, I'm not allowed to start a new thread, I've just joined.
I've been thinking of getting a fixie for a few years now after riding one in Amsterdam, and now that i'm back from Uni I'm getting closer to actually buying one. I found a secondhand Steamroller which I haven't bought yet but will want to change the the gearing if I do. "dorr" above, say's 42 14 suits him what do other people suggest? I am a customed to riding up park street and st micheal's hill etc. on a BMX. And what are peoples opinions on getting a geared hub?
Also from reading the forum looks like people are noticing a sudden influx of ssfg in Bristol, I work in stokes croft and see loads of them now. I thought it was just because I've been thinking intensly about fg recently and it being subconscious.