• #127
Scott already highlighted Norman Porter, but it's worth adding the address: Norman Porter Messenger Bags. Mike from Norman Porter has done a few things for me and I'd recommend them for price & quick turn around. Based outside the U.k.
• #128
The problem with both the head porter and the Yak is that they are not waterproof.
And why does the head porter use bag jack stuff?
I'm confused.
• #129
I might as well big up Bagaboo -had one for a couple of years now, and worth every penny -totally waterproof and massive (like jungle :) )
-expensive, but fab.
• #130
Just letting you lot know that urban hunter are replacing the banjo bros. bag with the newer model, which means they are selling last years ones for only 50 quid! Ordered mine earlier, site isn't too specific on how many they've got left though..
• #131
I own a XL Timbuk2, thats been in constant use for 17 years or more now. It does slide around my back, and I have to keep righting it with my left hand, at least once in every 5 minutes. That said, it is rain-proof, but lacks any padding, so contents need to be packed thoughtfully. Often I've started to cycle, and had to stop and re-pack, because my 15mm spanner was digging into my back.
I'm going to have to replace this at some stage. But 17-18 years of hard work (I was a curryer in the early 90s) is pretty good. The clasp-buckle broke probably 3 years after I bought it, and I made a "temporary" fix with gold twine. This fix has lasted since then. It only means that the strap length can't be adjusted.
So, Timbuk2, for me, is hard-wearing, cavernous and rain-proof. But soon, I'll want some sort of internal padding and a stabilisation strap......if one is available for a bigger guys. Okay, really fat people. :))
• #132
I don't want to get lynched here... obviously it's not made with actual couriers in mind but any thoughts on the Brooks Barbican?
• #133
That's my bag! Pac are expensive but good pieces of kit.
As for the Brooks bag in the post above, probably a well made leather goods but that thing would swing all of over the shop. So for that reason, I'm out. -
• #134
• #135
:( Bye bye Forum...schniff...
• #136
Actually, I did think about including the loads of "style" messenger bags that I found, in putting together the messenger bag list, but I decided against, as they would not normally be hard-wearing, rain-proof, or carry a 12-pack of beer.
Failure of original concept IMO.
But if people want to have a laugh at, peruse, or choose from the "style" bags, it wouldn't be impossible to add them.
More amusement at planet Lfgss. :))
• #137
Yeah... the Brooks one is lovely though all the same... suspect my good lady has one coming for my belated Christmas present... I'm not a courier so it'll do me just fine :)
• #138
So, I have alot of bags, right?
I've got my three messenger bags,only two of which I work with, only one of which I work with on a daily basis.
I've got my waterproof baily works that i use to let universities laugh at my portfolio.
....And I have my party bag. It defies explination, anyone who has seen it will agree. It's red with gold chains and red tyres sew to the back to hold extra lights. And perfect for taking a few things out to dance with.
I would love to have another bag that was for going to do things that are classy, like the Brooks one only not leather, so I don't think you should be lynched.
• #139
I would love to have another bag that was for going to do things that are classy...
Wait, who am I kidding? When have i ever attempted to be classy?
• #140
I'm not a courier, or have any ambition to be a fakenger, but want a smallish general purpose bag now I've chucked my pannier for the mo'. Anybody here used any of the below (Crumpler Super Snipe, Ortlieb Sling-It), or can recommend anything similar..?
2 Attachments
• #141
All these bags are mega gay.
I just bought one of the ultra light marathon packs from innov8 - they look cool and don't move anyway.
As a general rule, we should mimick what bikers do, and thats the kind of thing they use,
Its the way forward.
• #142
just bought one of those banjo brothers from urbanhunter.biz. Pretty excited on my first messenger bag, now i'm a proper fakenger! hopefully i'll be able to get home from sainsburys without falling off beacuse the bags hanging from the handlebars go in the front wheel :)
• #143
I don't want to get lynched here... obviously it's not made with actual couriers in mind but any thoughts on the Brooks Barbican?
Not waterproof (big gaps between flap and sides of bag), and the anti-sway thing is badly designed.
• #144
All these bags are mega gay.
I just bought one of the ultra light marathon packs from innov8 - they look cool and don't move anyway.
As a general rule, we should mimick what bikers do, and thats the kind of thing they use,
Its the way forward.
As a newcomer here i don't know how valid my opinions are over others...but in what way are the previously mentioned bags mega gay?
The list clearly states 'messenger/courier' style bags....which they all are.
I assume you meant to say we should mimick what 'hikers' do, as we're already bikers?
If that's the case then i'm sorry to say you're wrong....a bag for cycling shouldn't mimic what a bag for hiking does at all.
Most hiking bags are very tall and narrow...they tend to continue down below the waist and lower back and above the shoulders...this means they'll be getting caught on the saddle while you ride, and obstruct your vision when checking over your shoulders.
That's why there are cycling specific bags...how many 'messenger/couriers' do you see dropping packages with a massive hiking pack on their back? maybe they could complete the look with some saucepans hanging from the bottom....it's the way forward ya know!
The bag you've shown in your pic above may be a nice little back pack that doesn't move while riding, but as the list is for messenger style bags, i assume it's to cover bags that are both hardwearing and also able to carry a good amount inside.
The bag you've shown would struggle to carry even half of the amount of shopping and bulky items i carry in my own bag.
Maybe you should try a proper good quality 'messenger' style bag and use it for transporting proper loads like it was intended for...and then try and carry the same loads in your 'biker' style backpack before you start labelling them all as 'mega gay' ?
Just my own opinion of course. :) -
• #145
Of course if you actually did mean 'bikers'...ignore part of that...;)
• #146
As a general rule, we should mimick what bikers do
There are no rules, fool!
• #147
how many 'messenger/couriers' do you see dropping packages with a massive hiking pack on their back?
Actually, most of the European messengers use back-pack style bags. Ortleib etc.
• #148
bill, this is not a polo thread, go away!
• #149
There's only one person that could deserve banning, and it sure ain't Buffulo Bill.
Sorry, but the whole premise is really funny.
• #150
I have a Yak Pak - its great. Cost £15 new from ebay (including postage)
I think the guy who sold it me bought it and never used it.